The Position of Source Element Rectangle Position is Confusion in Angular CDK Drag Started: Demystified
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The Position of Source Element Rectangle Position is Confusion in Angular CDK Drag Started: Demystified

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the mystical concept of source element rectangle position in Angular CDK’s drag-and-drop functionality? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to clarify the confusion once and for all!

What is CDK Drag Started?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly recollect what CDK Drag Started is. Angular CDK (Component Dev Kit) provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for building custom components, including the much-loved drag-and-drop feature. CDK Drag Started is an event emitted when the user starts dragging an element. It’s an essential event for capturing the initial position and state of the dragged element.

The Confusion Begins: Source Element Rectangle Position

Now, when we talk about the source element rectangle position, things can get a bit murky. The source element is the HTML element being dragged, and its rectangle position refers to its coordinates within the viewport. Sounds simple, right? But, what happens when the element is nested within other elements, or when the drag starts from a non-standard position? That’s where the confusion sets in.

Understanding the Source Element Rectangle Position

To grasp the concept, let’s break it down into smaller, digestible bits:

  1. The coordinate system: The source element rectangle position is calculated based on the viewport’s coordinate system, which is relative to the top-left corner of the window.
  2. The rectangle position: It’s an object containing four properties: x, y, width, and height, which describe the element’s position and dimensions.
  3. The element’s offset: The offset of the source element is the distance between the element’s top-left corner and the viewport’s top-left corner. This offset is crucial in calculating the rectangle position.

Common Scenarios Causing Confusion

Let’s explore some common scenarios that can lead to confusion when dealing with source element rectangle position:

  • Nested elements: When the source element is nested within other elements, calculating the rectangle position becomes more complex. You need to account for the offset of each parent element.
  • Non-standard drag starts: Imagine a scenario where the drag starts from a non-standard position, like the middle of the element. In this case, the rectangle position would be different from the standard top-left corner.
  • Transforms and scaling: When the source element has transform or scaling applied, its rectangle position is affected. You need to consider these transformations when calculating the position.

Demystifying the Confusion: Practical Examples

Enough theory! Let’s dive into some practical examples to solidify our understanding of source element rectangle position:

Example 1: Simple Drag-and-Drop

<div cdkDrag>Drag me!</div>

In this basic example, the source element is a simple div. When we start dragging, the CDK Drag Started event emits an object containing the source element rectangle position.

Property Value
x 100
y 200
width 200
height 100

As you can see, the rectangle position is straightforward in this simple scenario.

Example 2: Nested Elements

    <div cdkDrag>Drag me!</div>

In this example, the source element is nested within two parent elements. To calculate the rectangle position, we need to account for the offset of each parent element.

Property Value
x 150
y 300
width 200
height 100

Notice how the x and y coordinates are affected by the offset of the parent elements.

Example 3: Non-Standard Drag Start

<div cdkDrag [cdkDragStart]="{ x: 50, y: 50 }">Drag me!</div>

In this scenario, we’re programmatically setting the drag start position to (50, 50) using the CDK’s `cdkDragStart` input. The rectangle position is adjusted accordingly.

Property Value
x 50
y 50
width 200
height 100

As you can see, the rectangle position accurately reflects the non-standard drag start position.

Best Practices for Handling Source Element Rectangle Position

To avoid confusion when dealing with source element rectangle position, follow these best practices:

  1. Understand the coordinate system: Familiarize yourself with the viewport’s coordinate system and how it affects the rectangle position.
  2. Account for parent element offsets: When dealing with nested elements, remember to calculate the offset of each parent element.
  3. Consider non-standard drag starts: Be prepared to handle non-standard drag start positions by adjusting the rectangle position accordingly.
  4. Transformations matter: When the source element has transform or scaling applied, take these transformations into account when calculating the rectangle position.


In conclusion, the position of source element rectangle position in Angular CDK’s drag-and-drop functionality can be a complex topic, but by understanding the underlying concepts and following best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any scenario that comes your way. Remember to stay vigilant and adapt to the unique requirements of your project.

So, the next time you encounter confusion related to source element rectangle position, take a deep breath, recall the wisdom imparted in this article, and conquer the challenge with confidence!

Happy coding, and may the drag-and-drop force be with you!

Here is the FAQ section on “The position of source element rectangle position is confusion in angular cdkDragStarted”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get clarity on the confusing world of Angular CDK drag and drop!

Why does the source element rectangle position get confused during cdkDragStarted in Angular?

This happens because Angular CDK uses the client rectangle position by default, which can be affected by scroll positions, padding, and margins. To overcome this, you can use the `cdkDrag.getClientRect()` method to get the exact rectangle position of the source element.

How can I get the correct position of the source element during cdkDragStarted?

You can use the `cdkDragStarted` event to get the correct position of the source element by calling `event.source.getClientRect()` or `event.source.getBoundingClientRect()`. This will give you the exact rectangle position of the source element at the time of drag start.

What is the difference between client rectangle and bounding client rectangle in Angular CDK?

The client rectangle is the rectangle that represents the visible area of an element, whereas the bounding client rectangle is the rectangle that represents the entire element, including its padding, border, and margin. In Angular CDK, `getClientRect()` returns the client rectangle, while `getBoundingClientRect()` returns the bounding client rectangle.

Can I customize the drag start position in Angular CDK?

Yes, you can customize the drag start position by using the `cdkDrag Started` event and setting the `event.source QRect` property to the desired position. This allows you to define a custom starting point for the drag operation.

How can I debug issues with the source element rectangle position in Angular CDK?

To debug issues, you can use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the element and check its rectangle position. You can also use Angular’s debugging tools, such as the Augury Chrome extension, to inspect the component and its properties. Additionally, you can add console logs to your code to track the rectangle position and identify where the issue is occurring.

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