Unraveling the Mystery: How to Identify the User in Live Transcription in iOS App?
Image by Violetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Identify the User in Live Transcription in iOS App?

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Imagine an iOS app that can transcribe conversations in real-time, accurately identifying the speaker. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, it’s not! With the power of iOS’s built-in speech recognition capabilities and some clever coding, you can create an app that does just that. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of live transcription and explore the steps to identify the user in an iOS app.

What is Live Transcription?

Live transcription, also known as real-time transcription, is the process of converting spoken words into text in real-time. This technology has numerous applications, including voice assistants, meeting transcription, and language translation. In the context of an iOS app, live transcription allows users to engage in conversations, and the app transcribes the audio into text, identifying the speaker in the process.

The Challenge: Identifying the User

The biggest hurdle in live transcription is accurately identifying the speaker. Without proper speaker identification, the transcript becomes a jumbled mess, making it difficult to comprehend. To overcome this challenge, we need to employ various techniques and APIs that can help us distinguish between speakers.

Step 1: Set up the Audio Recording

The first step in creating a live transcription feature is to set up audio recording. You’ll need to use the AVFoundation framework to access the device’s microphone and record audio. Create an instance of the AVAudioRecorder class and configure it to record audio in the format of your choice (e.g., WAV or M4A).

import AVFoundation

class AudioRecorder {
    let audioRecorder: AVAudioRecorder!

    init() {
        let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
        let url = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("recordedAudio.wav")

        let recordSettings: [String: Any] = [
            AVFormatIDKey: kAudioFormatLinearPCM,
            AVSampleRateKey: 44100.0,
            AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 2,
            AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: .high

        do {
            audioRecorder = try AVAudioRecorder(url: url, settings: recordSettings)
        } catch {
            print("Error creating audio recorder: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    func startRecording() {

    func stopRecording() {

Step 2: Integrate the Speech Recognition API

Next, you’ll need to integrate the Speech Recognition API to transcribe the recorded audio. Apple provides the SFSpeechRecognizer class, which is a powerful tool for speech recognition. Create an instance of the SFSpeechRecognizer class and set up a recognition task.

import Speech

class SpeechRecognizer {
    let speechRecognizer: SFSpeechRecognizer!
    let audioEngine: AVAudioEngine!
    let recognitionRequest: SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest!

    init() {
        speechRecognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US"))
        audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
        recognitionRequest = SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest()

    func startRecognition() {

        let recordingFormat = audioEngine.mainMixerNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)
        recognitionRequest.shouldReportPartialResults = true

        speechRecognizer.recognitionTask(with: recognitionRequest) { [weak self] result, error in
            if let error = error {
                print("Error recognizing speech: \(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                if let result = result {
                    print("Transcription: \(resultBESTTranscription.formattedString)")

    func stopRecognition() {

Step 3: Identify the User using Speaker Diarization

Speaker diarization is the process of identifying the speaker from an audio recording. Apple’s SFSpeechRecognizer class provides a feature called speaker diarization, which can help identify the speaker. You can access the speaker diarization information through the SFSpeechRecognitionResult class.

func speechRecognizer(_ speechRecognizer: SFSpeechRecognizer, result result: SFSpeechRecognitionResult?) {
    if let result = result {
        for segment in result.segments {
            let speakerTag = segment.speakerTag
            let transcription = segment.substring

            // Use the speakerTag to identify the user
            if speakerTag == 1 {
                print("User 1: \(transcription)")
            } else if speakerTag == 2 {
                print("User 2: \(transcription)")

Step 4: Implement User Identification using Machine Learning

In addition to speaker diarization, you can use machine learning techniques to identify the user. You can train a machine learning model to recognize the unique speech patterns of each user. This approach requires a large dataset of audio recordings from each user, which can then be used to train the model.

One popular machine learning framework for iOS is Core ML. You can use Core ML to train a model using the audio features extracted from the speech recognition API. The trained model can then be used to identify the user based on the audio features of the live transcription.

import CoreML

class UserIdentificationModel {
    let model: MLModel!

    init() {
        do {
            model = try MLModel(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "UserIdentificationModel", withExtension: "mlmodelc")!)
        } catch {
            print("Error loading model: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    func identifyUser(audioFeatures: [Float]) -> Int {
        let input = UserIdInput(audioFeatures: audioFeatures)
        let output = try? model.prediction(from: input)

        if let output = output {
            let userId = output.userId
            return userId
        } else {
            return -1

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered the individual steps, let’s put it all together! Create an instance of the AudioRecorder, SpeechRecognizer, and UserIdentificationModel classes. Start the audio recording, initiate the speech recognition task, and use the recognition result to identify the user.

class LiveTranscriptionViewController: UIViewController {
    let audioRecorder: AudioRecorder!
    let speechRecognizer: SpeechRecognizer!
    let userIdentificationModel: UserIdentificationModel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        audioRecorder = AudioRecorder()
        speechRecognizer = SpeechRecognizer()
        userIdentificationModel = UserIdentificationModel()

    @IBAction func startTranscription(_ sender: UIButton) {

    @IBAction func stopTranscription(_ sender: UIButton) {

    func speechRecognizer(_ speechRecognizer: SFSpeechRecognizer, result result: SFSpeechRecognitionResult?) {
        if let result = result {
            for segment in result.segments {
                let speakerTag = segment.speakerTag
                let transcription = segment.substring

                let audioFeatures = extractAudioFeatures(from: transcription)
                let userId = userIdentificationModel.identifyUser(audioFeatures: audioFeatures)

                if userId == 1 {
                    print("User 1: \(transcription)")
                } else if userId == 2 {
                    print("User 2: \(transcription)")

    func extractAudioFeatures(from transcription: String) -> [Float] {
        // Implement audio feature extraction logic here
        return []


In this article, we’ve explored the steps to identify the user in a live transcription feature within an iOS app. By combining the power of speech recognition, speaker diarization, and machine learning, you can create an app that accurately identifies the speaker in real-time. Remember to fine-tune your machine learning model, as the accuracy of the user identification heavily relies on the quality of the audio features and the training dataset.

With the rise of voice assistants and conversational AI, live transcription with user identification is becoming increasingly important. By following these steps, you can create an app that truly understands and responds to the user’s needs, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology.

Special Thanks

A special thanks to Apple for providing the SFSpeechRecognizer and AVFoundation frameworks, which made this article possible. Additionally, I’d like to thank the Core ML team for their work on the machine learning framework.


– Apple Developer Documentation: AVAudioRecorder

– Apple Developer Documentation: SFSpeechRecognizer

– Core ML Framework: Core ML

Now, go forth and create an app that truly understands its users!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know how to identify the user in live transcription in an iOS app? We’ve got you covered!

Q: What is the most common way to identify a user in live transcription in an iOS app?

A: The most common way to identify a user in live transcription is by using a unique identifier such as a username, user ID, or a device-specific identifier like UUID. This identifier is typically associated with the user’s account or device, allowing the app to distinguish between different users.

Q: Can I use speech recognition libraries like SpeechKit or Google Cloud Speech-to-Text to identify users?

A: While speech recognition libraries like SpeechKit or Google Cloud Speech-to-Text can recognize spoken words, they don’t provide a built-in way to identify individual users. You’ll need to implement additional logic to associate the recognized speech with a specific user.

Q: How can I use audio signals to identify users in live transcription?

A: You can use audio signal processing techniques like speaker recognition or voice biometrics to identify users. These methods analyze the unique acoustic characteristics of a user’s voice to create a unique identifier. However, this approach requires significant computational resources and may not be suitable for all types of iOS apps.

Q: Can I use machine learning models to identify users in live transcription?

A: Yes, you can train machine learning models to identify users based on their speech patterns, tone, and other acoustic features. These models can be integrated into your iOS app to provide user identification during live transcription. However, this approach requires a large dataset of labeled audio samples and significant computational resources.

Q: Are there any iOS-specific APIs or frameworks that can help identify users in live transcription?

A: Yes, Apple provides APIs like AVAudioEngine and SpeechRecognition that can be used for live transcription. However, these APIs don’t provide built-in user identification capabilities. You’ll need to implement additional logic or use third-party libraries to identify users.

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