Unlocking the Power of Next Auth with Base Path Context and Keycloak
Image by Violetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Next Auth with Base Path Context and Keycloak

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Are you tired of dealing with tedious authentication issues in your Next.js application? Do you want to take your security to the next level with the power of Keycloak? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the magic of Next auth with base path context and Keycloak, and show you how to implement it seamlessly in your project.

What is Next Auth?

Next Auth is a popular authentication middleware for Next.js applications. It provides a simple and intuitive way to handle authentication, allowing you to focus on building your application rather than worrying about the intricacies of authentication. With Next Auth, you can easily integrate various authentication providers, including Keycloak.

What is Keycloak?

Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution that provides a robust and scalable way to manage user authentication and authorization. With Keycloak, you can secure your application with features like single sign-on (SSO), two-factor authentication, and role-based access control.

Why Use Next Auth with Base Path Context and Keycloak?

Using Next Auth with base path context and Keycloak provides several benefits, including:

  • Improved Security: Keycloak provides advanced security features like SSO and two-factor authentication, which can be easily integrated with Next Auth.
  • Flexibility: Next Auth’s modular design allows you to switch between different authentication providers, including Keycloak, with ease.
  • Simplified Authentication: Next Auth handles the complexities of authentication, allowing you to focus on building your application.
  • Scalability: Keycloak is designed to handle large volumes of user traffic, making it an ideal choice for scalable applications.

Getting Started with Next Auth and Keycloak

Before we dive into the implementation details, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Next.js 12 or later
  • Next Auth 4 or later
  • Keycloak 15 or later

Step 1: Create a Keycloak Realm

To use Keycloak with Next Auth, you need to create a Keycloak realm. A realm is a logical grouping of users, clients, and settings. Follow these steps to create a realm:

  1. Go to the Keycloak dashboard and click on “Add Realm”.
  2. Enter a name for your realm, such as “My Next Auth Realm”.
  3. Click “Create” to create the realm.

Step 2: Create a Keycloak Client

Next, you need to create a Keycloak client. A client is an application that uses Keycloak for authentication. Follow these steps to create a client:

  1. Go to the Keycloak realm you created earlier.
  2. Click on “Clients” and then “New Client”.
  3. Enter a name for your client, such as “My Next Auth Client”.
  4. Select “openid-connect” as the protocol.
  5. Click “Save” to create the client.

Step 3: Configure Next Auth with Keycloak

Now that you have created a Keycloak realm and client, it’s time to configure Next Auth with Keycloak. Create a new file called `next-auth.config.js` in the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // Configure Keycloak as the authentication provider
  providers: [
      id: 'keycloak',
      type: 'oauth',
      clientId: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET,
      authorizationUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/auth`,
      tokenUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token`,
      callbackUrl: '/api/auth/callback/keycloak',
      profileUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo`,

Step 4: Implement the Base Path Context

To use the base path context with Next Auth and Keycloak, you need to create a custom `app` component. Create a new file called `pages/_app.js`:

import App from 'next/app';
import { Wrapper } from '../components/Wrapper';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

MyApp.getInitialProps = async (appContext) => {
  const appProps = await App.getInitialProps(appContext);
  return { ...appProps };

export default MyApp;

Step 5: Integrate Next Auth with Keycloak

Finally, you need to integrate Next Auth with Keycloak. Create a new file called `pages/api/auth/[…nextauth].js`:

import NextAuth from 'next-auth';
import { Providers } from 'next-auth/providers';
import { KeycloakProvider } from 'next-auth/providers/keycloak';

export default NextAuth({
  // Enable debug logging
  debug: true,

  // Configure the Keycloak provider
  providers: [
      clientId: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET,
      authorizationUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/auth`,
      tokenUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token`,
      callbackUrl: '/api/auth/callback/keycloak',
      profileUrl: `${process.env.KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/${process.env.KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo`,


And that’s it! You have successfully implemented Next Auth with base path context and Keycloak in your Next.js application. With this setup, you can easily manage user authentication and authorization using Keycloak’s robust features.

Feature Description
Base Path Context Enables Next Auth to work with a custom base path
Keycloak Integration Provides advanced security features like SSO and two-factor authentication
Next Auth Handles authentication complexities, allowing you to focus on building your application

Remember to replace the placeholders (`KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID`, `KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET`, `KEYCLOAK_URL`, and `KEYCLOAK_REALM`) with your actual Keycloak configuration values.

Final Thoughts

Using Next Auth with base path context and Keycloak is a powerful way to manage user authentication and authorization in your Next.js application. With this setup, you can take advantage of Keycloak’s advanced security features and Next Auth’s simplicity, making it easier to focus on building your application.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during implementation, make sure to:

  • Check your Keycloak configuration values.
  • Verify that your Next Auth and Keycloak versions are compatible.
  • Consult the official Next Auth and Keycloak documentation for troubleshooting guides.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should now have a solid understanding of how to implement Next Auth with base path context and Keycloak in your Next.js application. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on using Next Auth with Base Path Context and Keycloak – the ultimate trio for a seamless authentication experience!

What is the main benefit of using Next Auth with Base Path Context and Keycloak?

The main benefit is the ability to effortlessly manage authentication and authorization across multiple applications, while maintaining a seamless user experience. Next Auth provides a robust authentication system, Base Path Context allows for effortless routing, and Keycloak adds an enterprise-grade identity and access management solution.

How do I set up Keycloak with Next Auth and Base Path Context?

First, install Next Auth and configure it with your Keycloak instance. Then, set up Base Path Context to define the routing structure for your application. Finally, integrate Keycloak with Next Auth using the Keycloak adapter, and you’re ready to roll!

What is the role of Base Path Context in this setup?

Base Path Context allows you to define a routing structure for your application, making it easy to manage multiple routes and applications within a single domain. This enables seamless navigation and authentication across different areas of your application.

Can I use Next Auth with Keycloak without Base Path Context?

Yes, you can use Next Auth with Keycloak without Base Path Context. However, you would need to manage routing and authentication logic manually, which can be more complex and error-prone. Base Path Context simplifies this process and provides a more straightforward implementation.

How does Next Auth handle authentication with Keycloak?

Next Auth uses the Keycloak adapter to authenticate users with Keycloak. When a user attempts to access a protected route, Next Auth redirects them to the Keycloak login page. After successful authentication, Keycloak redirects the user back to the Next Auth callback URL, which then authenticates the user and grants access to the protected route.

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