DEVOPS ADO POST Request for Attachments to Backlog (Python): A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcome the “I/O Operation on Closed File” Error
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DEVOPS ADO POST Request for Attachments to Backlog (Python): A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcome the “I/O Operation on Closed File” Error

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Are you exhausted from struggling with the infamous “I/O operation on closed file” error while trying to upload attachments to your Azure DevOps (ADO) backlog using Python? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating a successful DEVOPS ADO POST request for attachments, ensuring a seamless and error-free experience.


Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have the following requirements in place:

  • A valid Azure DevOps organization and project
  • A Python installation (version 3.x or higher)
  • The requests library installed (pip install requests)
  • A basic understanding of Python and HTTP requests

Understanding the Issue: “I/O Operation on Closed File” Error

The “I/O operation on closed file” error typically occurs when trying to upload a file to Azure DevOps using Python. This error is caused by the file being closed before the upload process is complete, resulting in a failed request. To overcome this challenge, we’ll focus on creating a robust and efficient solution that ensures the file remains open throughout the upload process.

Solution Overview

To successfully upload attachments to your ADO backlog, we’ll use the following approach:

  1. Obtain an authentication token for making API requests to Azure DevOps
  2. Prepare the attachment file for upload by opening it in binary mode
  3. Construct the DEVOPS ADO POST request for attaching the file to a work item
  4. Send the request and handle the response

Obtaining an Authentication Token

To interact with the Azure DevOps API, you’ll need to obtain an authentication token. You can achieve this using the requests library and the following code:

import requests

organization_url = "{your_organization}"
personal_access_token = "{your_pat}"

headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Basic {personal_access_token}"

response = requests.get(f"{organization_url}/_apis Token", headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:
    token = response.json()["accessToken"]
    print("Failed to obtain authentication token")

Replace {your_organization} with your Azure DevOps organization name, and {your_pat} with your personal access token.

Preparing the Attachment File

Next, prepare the attachment file by opening it in binary mode. This will ensure that the file remains open throughout the upload process, avoiding the “I/O operation on closed file” error:

attachment_file = "path/to/your/file.txt"

with open(attachment_file, "rb") as file:
    file_contents =

Replace path/to/your/file.txt with the actual path to your attachment file.

Constructing the DEVOPS ADO POST Request

Now, construct the DEVOPS ADO POST request to attach the file to a work item. Use the obtained authentication token and the prepared attachment file:

import json

work_item_id = 12345  # Replace with your work item ID
attachment_name = "my_attachment.txt"  # Replace with your attachment file name

url = f"{organization}/_apis/wit/attachments?api-version=6.0&workItemId={work_item_id}"

headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

data = {
    "attachment": file_contents,
    "fileName": attachment_name

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

Replace 12345 with your actual work item ID, and my_attachment.txt with your attachment file name.

Sending the Request and Handling the Response

Finally, send the request and handle the response:

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Attachment uploaded successfully!")
    print(f"Failed to upload attachment: {response.text}")

This code will print a success message if the attachment is uploaded successfully, or an error message with the response text if the upload fails.

Full Code Example

Here’s the complete code example that combines all the steps:

import requests
import json

organization_url = "{your_organization}"
personal_access_token = "{your_pat}"
attachment_file = "path/to/your/file.txt"
work_item_id = 12345
attachment_name = "my_attachment.txt"

# Obtain authentication token
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Basic {personal_access_token}"

response = requests.get(f"{organization_url}/_apis Token", headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:
    token = response.json()["accessToken"]
    print("Failed to obtain authentication token")

# Prepare attachment file
with open(attachment_file, "rb") as file:
    file_contents =

# Construct DEVOPS ADO POST request
url = f"{organization}/_apis/wit/attachments?api-version=6.0&workItemId={work_item_id}"

headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

data = {
    "attachment": file_contents,
    "fileName": attachment_name

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Attachment uploaded successfully!")
    print(f"Failed to upload attachment: {response.text}")

Replace the placeholders with your actual values, and run the code to upload your attachment to Azure DevOps.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve walked you through the process of creating a successful DEVOPS ADO POST request for attachments to backlog using Python. By following these steps, you should be able to overcome the “I/O operation on closed file” error and upload attachments seamlessly. Remember to replace the placeholders with your actual values, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues.

Keyword Description
DEVOPS ADO POST request A request to upload an attachment to Azure DevOps backlog using Python
I/O operation on closed file An error that occurs when the file is closed before the upload process is complete
Azure DevOps A cloud-based platform for collaborative software development
Python A high-level programming language used for scriptwriting and automation

By following this guide, you’ll be able to successfully upload attachments to your Azure DevOps backlog, ensuring a seamless and efficient development process.

Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “DEVOPS ADO POST request for attachments to backlog (Python) – Error uploading attachment: I/O operation on closed file”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about DEVOPS ADO POST request for attachments to backlog (Python) and resolve the “Error uploading attachment: I/O operation on closed file” issue!

What is the main reason behind the “Error uploading attachment: I/O operation on closed file” issue in DEVOPS ADO POST request?

The primary reason for this error is that the file is being closed before it’s being sent in the POST request. This can happen when you’re using a context manager to open the file, and the file is closed automatically once the context is exited.

How can I ensure that the file remains open until the POST request is sent in DEVOPS ADO?

To keep the file open until the POST request is sent, you can use a variable to store the file contents and then send the variable in the request. Alternatively, you can use a BytesIO object to store the file contents and then send the BytesIO object in the request.

Can I use the `open` function in Python to read the file contents and then send it in the POST request?

Yes, you can use the `open` function to read the file contents, but make sure to keep the file open until the POST request is sent. You can do this by storing the file object in a variable and then sending the file object in the request. Alternatively, you can read the file contents into a variable and then close the file, and then send the variable in the request.

How do I send a file attachment in a DEVOPS ADO POST request using Python?

To send a file attachment in a DEVOPS ADO POST request using Python, you can use the `requests` library and specify the file contents in the request body. You can also use the `multipart/form-data` content type to send the file attachment.

What is the correct way to specify the file contents in the request body when sending a file attachment in a DEVOPS ADO POST request using Python?

To specify the file contents in the request body, you can use the `files` parameter in the `` method and pass a dictionary with the file contents as the value. For example, `files={‘file’: open(‘file.txt’, ‘rb’)}`.

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